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She Was Light, He Was Dark

she was light and he was dark. but one thing that shocked him was she was not afraid of him, he growled and she growled back standing firm and that, scared him. everybody had always been afraid of him, his black wings, his fangs, and the death that followed behind him. and that was when he looked at her completely and couldn't help but stare. she too has had her fair share of pain but unlike him she wore it well with light still shinning through and that to him made her the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. she did not see the dangerous wolf, she saw the damaged one who wasn't loved right and she was not afraid to stand toe to toe with him and make herself known. she being the angel she was touched his face and looked into his ghostly pale eyes and saw the heart he was hiding. and that was the moment he knew, right then, he was in love her. But, like all love stories of light and dark, this could only end one way. Her, loving him whole would end in her death, and him, shattered and turning completely into a monster, taking the world and burning it in her name.

written by Hanea Sanchez

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